Tuesday, January 28, 2020

What Affects Heat and the Movement of Heat

What Affects Heat and the Movement of Heat Umar Hill Imagine that you are in the kitchen and you are about to bake some cookies. You prepare your cookie dough, tray and oven. You put your tray filled with cookie dough in the oven and in no time the tray starts heating up. After a while, you wouldnt dare touch the tray with your bare hands. It would cause severe damage to your skin. The movement of energy allows the tray to gain energy in the form of heat. The energy that is being taken in by the cookie dough and the tray is all a part of the heat flow that is created when you put the tray into the oven. Heat flow is the thermal energy that is created from the oven going into the tray and exciting the particles that make up the tray. This movement of energy is affected by a few things; one of them is surface area. Surface area is involved in the movement of heat and it affects how fast the transfer is. Knowing how it affects the movement is important to understand ways that heat transfer can be changed and to predict which objects would gain or lose energy faster in a given situation. Before learning about what affects heat and the movement of heat, we should start with learning about what heat itself is. Heat can be described in multiple ways: the most recognizable is the state of being at a high temperature. In this case, however, heat would be described as external energy moving throughout particles and being transferred between them. Simply speaking, heat is the transferring of energy and all matter contains heat energy, (Ryan, 2009). This transfer of energy always goes from a higher temperature area to a lower temperature area. The more excited particles with more energy move the particles that are close by. They gain energy and the whole substance is heated. If the cookie tray that comes out of the oven is left on the counter for a long time, it will eventually cool down. The tray is losing its energy when it is left in the room temperature air. As the cookie tray is left on the counter, the air gains energy. The energy from the tray is moving from the tray into the air around it and therefore it makes the surrounding air warmer. You would notice this if you held your hand above the tray: the air will feel warm. The fact that heat moves from hot to cold makes perfect sense, because if you think about it; an object that is hotter than its surroundings would never become even hotter without doing anything to it. The same goes for an object that is colder than its surroundings. So as the energy travels from the tray to the air around it, the two substances eventually reach a point where they are both equal in temperature. This is called the thermal equilibrium. As long as two objects or substances are not equal in temperature, there will always be a flow of heat from the higher temperature to the lower temperature substance. This flow of heat will continue until the substances or objects are equal in temperature. Another example would be if you took the tray straight out of the oven and poured a bag of ice onto it. The tray would cool. Th e energy in the tray is lost and it is going right into the ice. While the tray cools, the ice heats up. Over time the two will be the same temperature and both objects would be in thermal equilibrium. Touching two solid materials together that are a different temperature is not the only way to transfer heat. This is only one of the three methods and it is called conduction. Conduction transfers the energy through direct contact of objects. Matter is made up of moving particles and the particles are in constant motion. Whether they are vibrating, translating, or rotating, they are always moving. These motions give the particles kinetic energy, (Henderson, 2011). When the two objects collide, they transfer that kinetic energy to the other object, but nothing between the two physical items are moving. The material is not flowing; just the energy. As two objects collide, the particles in the higher temperature item loses its kinetic energy and the lower temperature item gains kinetic energy. The collision and the transfer of the energy is what would be the conduction. Think about a basketball rolling in one direction. Now think about another basketball that is identical rolling twice as fast in the opposite direction toward the first. After they collide they would roll away from each other because of the hit. The first ball would roll away faster than the second ball now because the second ball had more energy than the first one prior to the collision. Just like with heat flow, the energy was transferred from high to low energy. The higher energy ball lost energy after the collision and the first ball gained energy. Another method of transferring energy is convection. Convection uses the flow of liquids and gasses to move the energy. The movements of the fluids carries the thermal energy along with it to transfer the heat to different regions. Heat expands fluids and makes it less dense. Being less dense then results in a motion between the heated less dense and the non-heated more dense fluids. This motion in fluids creates a circulation within the fluid and carries the energy throughout the entire substance. Think about a bowl containing 10 red balls and 10 bl ue balls. The red balls would be on the bottom and represent the heated substance and the blue balls would be at the top and represent the original substance. When you stir the balls in the bowl, they are mixed up and are random. The red balls are now relatively evenly mixed with the blue balls. The energy is carried out throughout the blue balls and the entire substance is now heated. This is also why we say that heat rises. The hot air will circulate to the top of a house and the lower floors of the building [are] cooler, (Jarvis, 2015). Radiation is the transfer of heat through electromagnetic waves. Radiation is the heat that comes off of a source and spreads the energy to its surroundings. Everything radiates in the form of electromagnetic waves. The higher amount of thermal energy an object has, the more energy it radiates. When object radiates, it sends off waves that increase the energy of surrounding objects and thus increases their heat as well. There are factors that affect the rate at which heat is transferred. Temperature plays an important role in the rate of transfer. Specifically, the difference in temperature between two substances plays the role. Because heat will always try to move and transfer to form a thermal equilibrium, the rate at which energy is transferred will depend on the difference in the temperatures. The higher the difference, the higher the rate. A very hot substance will lose its energy to a very cold substance faster than a mildly warm substance will lose its energy to a cool substance. The rate at which the energy is transferred however, is always changing. If the difference in temperature is a factor of the rate, and as time goes on that difference becomes smaller, the rate will slow down overtime. If we use the ice on the hot tray example again, the ice would gain energy at a very fast rate because of the big difference in the temperature between the tray and the ice. Similarly, the tray would lo se energy at a fast rate. Overtime, the ice will melt and be much warmer, but not quite be the same temperature as the tray. The tray will cool down as well, but not quite be the same temperature as the ice. Because of the now smaller difference in temperature, it is known that the cool now-melted ice will gain energy at a slower rate and the warm tray will lose its energy at a slower rate. Another factor contributing to the heat transferring rate is the materials that the substances are made of. If hot water were placed in a coffee mug, it would take a little while to make the mug very hot; but take the same hot water into a plastic or Styrofoam cup instead, and the cup would feel hot in no time. This is because the material that the two cups are made of are different. The coffee mug makes the rate at which it gains energy slower than the plastic cup. Different materials gain and lose energy at different rates. This difference and the effect that a material has in the transfer rate of heat is called the thermal conductivity of the material; conductivity being the transferring of heat through direct contact of two objects. The higher the thermal conductivity is for an object, the higher the rate at which heat is transferred by it is. Scientists experiment with different materials to see which has a higher or lower thermal conductivity value. Low thermal conductivity val ues are referred to as thermal insulators, (Henderson, 2011). The distance that the heat must be conducted also plays a part in the rate of transfer. The thicker the wall of an object is, the slower the rate of transfer. Think about the walls of a cup. As the ceramic particles at the boundary between the [heat] and the mug warm up, they attain a kinetic energy that is much higher than their neighbors, (Henderson, 2011). This means that the particles heat up their neighbors while taking time and eventually the heat will transfer through an object. Taking a plastic cup and pouring hot water into it would make the cup heat up at a fast rate because of its material, but that rate can be slowed down if the thickness of the plastic cup is increased. Because the hot water has to travel a longer distance to lose its energy, the cup is heated at a slower rate. The distance between the two slows down the transfer rate. The farther the energy has to go, the slower the rate. People wear multiple layers of clothing and coats when going out into cold weather . This is because the radiation of heat coming off our bodies is transferred into the cold air slower because of the multiple layers. Thickness is a good way of insulating heat and keeping things warm. The heat coming off of our bodies is trapped under the coats and multiple layers and continues to keep our bodies warm since it is not lost to the coldness of the air around us. As we know, if we bring two objects that are initially at different temperatures into physical contact, they eventually achieve thermal equilibrium, (Hall, 2014). Thickness affects this movement because it takes longer to move further. Since thickness or distance affects the conductive heat transfer, it would only make sense that the area of the objects being transferred are involved as well. If a marble was placed over a small fire, and another marble twice the size was placed the same, the small marble would gain the thermal energy of the fire faster than the big marble. All chefs know that trying to cook two things that are different in size in the same oven for the same time will never work. The two foods would just never cook the same. One food would be cooked and the other raw, or one will be cooked and the other burnt. This is because of the area in the objects. A larger area will slow down the rate of transferring the heat. The wider a surface area an object has the slower th e rate of transfer. Why does this happen? It all has to do with what is actually involved in the transfer of thermal energy. The faster moving particles excite the nearby particles, (Ryan, 2009) and the energy is carried out through the whole object. Every particle of an objects surface is always involved in the transfer of thermal energy. Therefore, the more area an object has, the more particles are involved and the longer it will take to conduct the energy. The reason why heat flow exists is because there is a difference in temperature and the energy is being transferred to maintain an equality of energy. Unless the thermal equality is reached, there will be a heat flow between the substances. The movement of heat and the transferring of thermal energy is affected by (depending on which method) the material, the temperature difference, the distance, and the surface area of the two objects. The factors that cause these differences in rates are important to understand the behavior of thermal energy and how it works. The flow can be insulated with distance, material and area. The area affects the rate because every particle of the object is involved in the transferring of energy. The larger area an object has, the slower the rate of transfer. Citation Page Ryan, B. (2009, November). Heat energy. Retrieved January 15, 2017, from http://sciencelearn.org.nz/Contexts/Fire/Science-Ideas-and-Concepts/Heat-energy Hall, N. (2014). Heat Transfer. Retrieved January 17, 2017, from https://www.grc.nasa.gov/www/k-12/airplane/heat.html Henderson, T. (2011). Methods of Heat Transfer. Retrieved January 16, 2017, from http://www.physicsclassroom.com/class/thermalP/Lesson-1/Methods-of-Heat-Transfer Henderson, T. (2011). Rates of Heat Transfer. Retrieved January 16, 2017, from http://www.physicsclassroom.com/class/thermalP/Lesson-1/Rates-of-Heat-Transfer Jarvis, L., Simonson, D. (2015, October 5). Heat Transfer: Conduction, Convection, Radiation. Retrieved January 16, 2017, from https://www.wisc-online.com/learn/natural-science/earth-science/sce304/heat-transfer-conduction-convection-radiation Wisconsin Online | Heat Transfer. (2014). Retrieved January 16, 2017, from http://alaskapublic.pbslearningmedia.org/resource/lsps07.sci.phys.energy.heattransfer/heat-transfer/

Monday, January 20, 2020

The Artificial Nigger: Truths Behind Racism Essay -- essays research p

In O'Connor's "The Artificial Nigger" the essences of prejudice and degradation are captured to a great extent. Reality shows us with needless consistency people in a need to feel better about themselves only achieve it by being better than someone else. Therefore every opportunity at hand, including racism, is taken advantage as a form of gratification. Mr. Head, the grandfather, is an example of one of these people. He is in competition with seemingly everyone he encounters while in a day trip to the City. Racism is just one of the ways he utilizes to demean others while elevating his own self-image. O'Connor's depiction of a Southern, and close-minded person goes into the extreme depths of what constitutes as well as produces an imprudent racist. Mr. Head, a self-proclaimed missionary, plans on taking his grandson, Nelson, to Atlanta city. Intending to introduce Nelson to the focal point of his racist teachings. However, Mr. Head's subconscious motives are to have Nelson believe his grandfather's existence in his life is indispensable. He hopes Nelson dependency upon him increases. Doing so would not only make his own self feel superior but also satisfy his own dependency needs. He's content with the thought that once Nelson has had the opportunity in experiencing the city. He will "be content to stay at home for the rest of his life"(251). His only comforting thoughts, as he laid to sleep before the day of the trip, were not of turning Nelson into a racist however, of "thinking how the boy would at last find out that he was not as smart as he thought he was"(251). Degrading anyone, including his own grandson, is another way by which Mr. Head can feel satisfied with himself. He welcomes and anticipates the point at which Nelson questions his own intelligence. Towards the beginning of the story Mr. Head belittles Nelson rationalizing once arriving in the city "he will've been there twict"(250). Considering Atlanta was his place of birth Nelson believed it to be true. Logically Nelson made sense nevertheless, "Mr. Head had contradicted him" (250). Irony is first present here as Mr. Head continuously accuses Nelson of being ignorant, yet Mr. Head is the one displaying ignorance in every spoken.From the beginning of the story Mr. Head is seen as a character extremely selfish and only concerned with ... ...ad, now faced with a choice, I believe chooses to ignore his enlightenment. His character throughout the story displayed ignorant, adolescent, frightful behaviors. I find it hard to believe him altering his manner. He's acknowledged his dependency on Nelson and Nelson now is conforming to him. As they stood watching the train fade into the distance, he comments, "I'm glad I've went once, but I'll never go back again". (270) Nelson finally concedes to have experienced the city once, not twice as he adamantly claimed. For Mr. Head choosing to do nothing is a choice in itself."The Artificial Nigger" is a great story, which can be used to help better understand what sorts of underlining factors come into play when people have deep hatreds of distinct cultures. Not commonly can a racist attribute all his hate to the color of ones skin. There are almost always other issues, which can be linked back to low self worth. Such as if someone of a different race was promoted while another looked over. Those are such beginnings of racist thoughts and later actions. Works CitedO'Connor, Flannery. Complete Stories by Flannery O'Connor New York: Farrar, Straus, Giroux 1979

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Book Fair Essay

It was a fine sunny morning when I with my bunch of my classmates went to the 18th annual Delhi book fair on 6th September 2012 at Pragati Maidan. It was a nine-day affair featuring discussions on proliferation of e-books and interaction with authors, apart from availability of vast number of books on divergent genres. We were supposed to report for a radio show as per our curriculum and were told to reach Pragati Maidan at 10 in morning. Getting up early and witnessing the bumpy metro ride I reached Pragati Maidan at 10. 30 am. All are group members waited for the respected teachers to give us the gadget. The time we waited for the teachers to come we discussed about the theme of our radio show. As soon as we got the recorder we tightened up our belts and went to hall no. 8 from where the book fair commenced. We chose children’s book as our theme for radio show and decided to take the bites of all the students and children. First of all we went to the information desk to know about the number of stalls that were based on children books and educational games. We found that out of 235 stalls 40 to 45 stalls were dedicated for the children of all ages. We also came to know that the theme of the book fair this time was e-books. We started with the school children of classes 3rd to 5th of New India Modern Public School and recorded their experience at the book fair. Also we talked to their teachers who told us about the books they preferred for their children. Then we all went to the group of school girls who came all the way from Himachal Pradesh along with their teachers to explore Book Fair 2012 as it was a part of their training program to learn English. They told us that it was their first visit to book fair and how it helps them in their training program. We also talked to the parents and children and different stall owners and recorded their aims and aspirations from the book fair this year. After we got the required bites we handed over the recorder to the other group and I went to look for different books especially the e-books. The new theme e-books influenced me a lot personally. The idea of saving trees by omitting paper for e-books was quiet paramount. I really liked the concept and especially the material that it offered. It was one of the easiest and environment friendly ways that makes reading and learning fun. I also went and saw many books by national geography and saw the epical photographs that were printed in them. Over all it was a nice educational expedition that was accompanied by fun and new learning ventures. VINAYAK VERMA

Friday, January 3, 2020

The Death Penalty Should Not Be Legal - 968 Words

Recently a new survey was released that described how police chiefs all over the country feel concerning the death penalty. Most chiefs came back and said that they feel the death penalty is unsuccessful. Politicians on the other hand have forgotten what law enforcement is all about and have instead given tax payers an tremendously expensive way to deal with crime. Politicians fail to realize that instead of using that money to support the death penalty we could be using that money to advance law enforcement. The police chiefs feel that the death penalty does not reduce crime and have actually ordered it as the least cost effective way for regulating crime. The police feel that reinforcing people, controlling illegal drugs, punishing criminals through corrections and controlling guns are more effective than the death penalty. Most people believe that the police are supporters for the death penalty, but the reality is that most officers would agree that a life sentence without parole is a more appropriate punishment versus the death penalty. It has been proven that the death penalty does not reduce the risk of rapes and other major crimes. The biggest problem with the death penalty is that our politicians in Congress are too busy debating whether or not to keep the death penalty so they are not coming up with more effective ways to deal with crime. The death penalty should be eliminated in America because it does not prevent crime; it costs a lot of money, and has had aShow MoreRelatedThe Death Penalty Should Not Be Legal1261 Words   |  6 PagesThe Death Penalty Should Not Be Legal The death penalty should not be legal because of two major reasonings. These reasons are, the death penalty takes the lives of many innocent people, and it also costs too much. The death penalty should not be legal because innocent people are wrongly convicted and killed. According to the Death Penalty Information Center, it puts innocent lives at risk. At least 4.1% of all defendants sentenced to death in the United States in the modern era are innocent (DeathRead MoreThe Death Penalty Should Be Legal1457 Words   |  6 PagesThe death penalty can be traced all the way to biblical times when people were executed for many reasons such as: for not believing in their god(s), choosing to interact in sexual conduct while unmarried, stealing, murder, etc. The methods of execution back in those times were to either: stone, hang, slay, crucify, and burn not only the offender who committed the crime, but if he or she had a family, the entire family was executed with them as a warning to the people of their tribe or city to notRead MoreShould The Death Penalty Be Legal?985 Words   |  4 PagesBen Goble Mr. Newman English Comp. November 4, 2015 Should the Death Penalty be Legal? The death penalty, also called capital punishment, has been a topic of debate among the public for many years, gaining very little ground in changing the legality of it one way or the other. The topic is very controversial because many people feel that it is wrong to take the life of another person. On the other hand a very comparable number of people push for the legality of capital punishment for condemningRead MoreThe Death Penalty Should Not Be Legal1004 Words   |  5 Pagesabolish death penalty† (Bosman). In thirty-one states, federal government and military legal system, the death penalty is lawful. Even the Supreme Court has been changed direction of capital punishment. One day, it could be a legal and illegal by the Supreme Court. Most of European countries ban the death penalty except Belarus that if a criminal involve international terrorism, murdered, inhumane crime and the criminal receives death penalty. Nowadays, banned the death penalty becomeRead MoreDeath Penalty Should Be Legal943 Words   |  4 PagesDo you think that death penalty will give justice for the innocent lives? The death penalty continues to be an issue of controversy in the whole world because people have different beliefs for giving justice to the innocents. For some people, they want it legal because death penalty will give justice for the innocent victims and a form of vengeance to the criminals. On the flipside, other people don’t agree with it because a lot of innocents are putting into death. These people believe that it isRead MoreThe Death Penalty Should Not Be Legal1573 Words   |  7 PagesThere are many legal issues that come along with the death penalty. Ratified on December 15, 1791, The United States Bill of Rights states in its eight amendment, â€Å"Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.† (8th Amendment to the Constitutio n). The Supreme Court stated during the 1958 case of Trop v. Dulles, that the 8th amendment must draw its meaning from the evolving standards of decency that mark the progress of a maturingRead MoreThe Death Penalty Should Be Legal1555 Words   |  7 Pageshave on a person? The death penalty, or capital punishment, is one of the most debated topics in America. It has been used for centuries, but many claim it to be barbaric, and want the practice to end all together. The death penalty should only be used in cases where there is absolute evidence that the criminal is guilty, because life in prison can be an alternative, there are many flaws in the justice system, and it can be a cruel and unusual punishment. The death penalty is legal in 32 states, theRead MoreThe Death Penalty Should Be Legal1554 Words   |  7 Pagesreceive the death penalty. Some say it is what they deserve, while others say that it is a â€Å"cruel and unusual†punishment. States, such as New Jersey, have already banned the penalty, but some states are still pending on whether to have the penalty or to follow New Jersey’s path . If you were to go and ask people why they are against the death penalty, they would say it is because it goes against morality, constitutionality, and the irrevocable mistakes of putting the wrong person to death. WhenRead MoreThe Death Penalty Should Not Be Legal1553 Words   |  7 Pagescalled problems with our system of justice is the death penalty. Capital punishment in this country seems to have its pros and cons. There are more issues and complications with being sentenced to death, while the positives are minuscule. The death penalty should not be allowed in the United States, and there are many reasons for this argument. The death penalty has caused controversy in the country since it became popular. 31 states use the death penalty and is also used by the military. Its use isRead MoreThe Death Penalty Should Be Legal Essay2884 Words   |  12 Pagesis the death penalty - should it be legalized across the 50 states or be declared unconstitutional? Some believe the death penalty is a better option for those who deserve the highest form of punishment available. However, others argue capital punishment is a waste of resources and should be brought to an end. Therefore, while many believe the death penalty should be legalized throughout the United States because it offers a higher form of punishment, others believe the death penalty should be repealed